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About Raphael 

Raphael Richardson is a graduate from Columbia Greene Community College in Hudson, New York, and has also received advanced training in Oncology Massage.  In addition, he has over 20 years of experience as a radiation therapist.


Raphael's goal is to use massage to help free each person from the physical and mental stresses that can be associated with daily living.  He feels that we often endure mental and physical stress without giving our minds or our bodies the opportunity to reset and relax.  Raphael is passionate about sharing with everyone the fact that we need to invest time into caring for ourselves.


He draws from his many years of experience in the health care profession to provide quality service and reliability to Raphael MassageRaphael is skilled in Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, and Oncology Massage.  Most importantly, he has a sense of caring and compassion that directly transfers through his work, and is recognized by his clients.

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